Antonie Gerardus de Jong    Nederlandse_taal

Dutch Painter - 2nd Generation The Hague School, later Dutch Impressionist



de Jong Gallery


de Jong Contemporaries

Vincent van Gogh and Anton de Jong crossed pathways in The Hague in the early 1880s. There is no indication that they knew each other.

At the time van Gogh was struggling, trying to establish himself as a painter. He was financially unsuccessful at The Hague, partly because he chose to paint the darker side of life.

Anton de Jong had better initial success, as his early paintings. He had been accepted at The Hague School and the Pulchri Studio. His paintings, which met The Hague style, were accepted and sold by the Pulchri Studio.

The Pulchri Studio rejected the art of both van Gogh (1883) and de Jong.

van Gogh left The Hague in 1883 and ended in Paris in 1886.

Both van Gogh and de Jong followed a similar path in adding color and impressionism to their works, as shown below.

van Gogh went further in color and impressionism than de Jong did, especially with his final works in 1890.